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Identifying Bias in the NOPD

By Josh Kellner and Isabella Casas

CMPS 3160 - Introduction to Data Science - Professor Mattei



As technology and techniques regarding data science have developed, data and the interpretation of it have been more and more important and frequently used in the making of important decisions as well as the legitimization of certain ideas. With the information and strategies we have learned in this class and tools like Pandas, we are able to interpret data on a very large scale such that these decisions can be made confidently. As we looked through dataframes and considered which ones we would be able to use to create a project that is of value to New Orleans, we found that the NOPD's Stop and Search Field Interviews database had a lot of potential.

The issue of discrimination against minorities, particularly black people, by police in our country has, of course, been as frequently discussed as ever over the last few years due to specific incidents such as the cases regarding George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks, and a host of others as well as the widespread abundance of protests against it all over the country. This is by no means a new conversation but right now, the country seems to be going through a period of racial reckoning in part due to social media's ability to spread information and set trends so quickly. There have been multiple large protests throughout the city regarding discrimination by police and plenty of relevant work done by organizations such as The New Orleans Peoples' Assembly. We believe that with the existing momentum, relevant data and a good interpretation of it is as important, valuable, and likely to spark more change as ever. Any social or political movement is undoubtedly more effective with clear, hard evidence of the injustices that the movement hopes to bring an end to. Certain statistics such as the fact that Black male offenders receive a sentence that is, on average, 19.1% longer than similarly situated White offenders have identified the manifestations of biases in such a clear way that they are undeniable.

Our main question is "Are police more likely to question, search, and/or take more severe actions against people of color?" In an ideal situation, any unfair biases that are discovered by this project will be used to clearly reveal a need for new policy that would correct these unethical discriminatory actions and prompt city officials to put that policy in place.

About our dataset

Link to dataset:

The Data Center data can be found in our repository.

For our Final Tutorial, we have partnered up to analyze a dataset called “Stop and Search (Field Interviews).” It is filled with data regarding instances of people being questioned by the New Orleans Police Department. Some of the information about these interviews includes when and where it happened, the officer conducting the questioning and potential search, a description of the individual being searched including age, gender, race, height and weight, the reason the interview was conducted, actions taken, etc. We plan to analyze this information in such a way that one can use our analysis to learn about any biases that NOPD has, or a lack thereof, and how these biases manifest themselves. We expect to specifically look at relationships between frequencies of interviews and searches and descriptors of the subjects of these interviews and searches as well as the relationships between the severity of the actions taken by the police and the descriptors of the subjects. The dataset provides information about the car that the subject was driving, if they were driving one, which will be another variable that can shed light on biases.

In addition to that, we used this dataset: to create our map of New Orleans.

We also used datasets provided to us by The Data Center that contained data about the demographics of New Orleans. Since we had to request these datasets by email, there is no link, but they can be downloaded at the top of this page.

Collaboration plan

In terms of a collaboration plan, we have a Github repository set up to keep track of our most up to date work as well as each update. Every two weeks we plan to meet on Zoom to divide specific chunks of work to be done. In these meetings we will review the work we have done since the last meeting and work through things that we couldn’t complete individually, together.

Data ETL


Our first step was to import our necessary libaries and then download the data files.

In [392]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
In [393]:
!head ../FinalDSTutorial/Stop_and_Search__Field_Interviews_.csv
!head ../FinalDSTutorial/Neighborhood profiles data tables.xlsx
!head ../FinalDSTutorial/NOPD_Police_Zones.shp
!head ../FinalDSTutorial/NOPD_Police_Zones.csv
'head' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'head' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'head' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'head' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.


The first dataset we're loading comes from one of The Data Center's spreadsheets, and will contain information regarding the genders of people living in New Orleans from 2000 and 2014-2018. The "blank" column comes from a spacer column in the original spreadsheet.

In [394]:
gender_df = pd.read_excel("../FinalDSTutorial/Neighborhood profiles data tables.xlsx",
                          sheet_name='Table 2',
                          names=['Location', 'Female2000', 'Female2014-2018', 'FemaleMOE', 'Blank', 'Male2000', 'Male2014-2018', 'MaleMOE'],
gender_df = gender_df.dropna(how='all')
# easier to drop these now rather than later
gender_df = gender_df.drop([6, 8, 10, 11])
gender_df = gender_df.set_index('Location')
# must standardize missing data
gender_df = gender_df.replace('NaN%', np.nan)
# these columns did not originally have the correct type
gender_df = gender_df.astype({'Female2000': 'float64', 'Female2014-2018': 'float64', 'FemaleMOE': 'float64'})
# checking to ensure correct types are there
Female2000 Female2014-2018 FemaleMOE Blank Male2000 Male2014-2018 MaleMOE
Algiers Point 0.520 0.503 0.049 NaN 0.480 0.497 0.033
Audubon 0.530 0.534 0.022 NaN 0.470 0.466 0.017
B.W. Cooper 0.604 0.515 0.048 NaN 0.396 0.485 0.063
Bayou St. John 0.532 0.525 0.030 NaN 0.468 0.475 0.041
Behrman 0.539 0.582 0.028 NaN 0.461 0.418 0.036
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
West Lake Forest 0.551 0.537 0.023 NaN 0.449 0.463 0.044
West Riverside 0.535 0.518 0.029 NaN 0.465 0.482 0.037
Whitney 0.545 0.518 0.034 NaN 0.455 0.482 0.128
New Orleans 0.531 0.524 0.000 NaN 0.469 0.476 0.000
United States 0.509 0.508 0.000 NaN 0.491 0.492 0.000

74 rows × 7 columns

Female2000         float64
Female2014-2018    float64
FemaleMOE          float64
Blank              float64
Male2000           float64
Male2014-2018      float64
MaleMOE            float64
dtype: object

Also coming from The Data Center, this dataset contains information regarding the racial makeup of each neighborhood of New Orleans.

In [395]:
race_df = pd.read_excel("../FinalDSTutorial/Neighborhood profiles data tables.xlsx",
                          sheet_name='Table 4',
                          names=['Location', 'Black2000', 'Black2014-2018', 'BlackMOE', 'Blank1', 'White2000', 'White2014-2018', 'WhiteMOE', 'Blank2', 'Asian2000', 'Asian2014-2018', 'AsianMOE', 'Blank3', 'AmerIndian2000', 'AmerIndian2014-2018', 'AmerIndianMOE', 'Blank4', 'Biracial2000', 'Biracial2014-2018', 'BiracialMOE', 'Blank5', 'Hispanic2000', 'Hispanic 2013-2017', 'HispanicMOE', 'Blank6', 'Other2000', 'Other2013-2017', 'OtherMOE'],
race_df = race_df.dropna(how='all')
race_df = race_df.drop([6, 8, 10, 11])
# it was easier to drop these columns now rather than later
race_df = race_df.drop(columns=['Blank1', 'Blank2', 'Blank3', 'Blank4', 'Blank5', 'Blank6'])
race_df = race_df.set_index('Location')
# standardize missing data
race_df = race_df.replace('NaN%', np.nan)
# displaying types for quality control. For some reason these all were identified correctly the first time.
Black2000 Black2014-2018 BlackMOE White2000 White2014-2018 WhiteMOE Asian2000 Asian2014-2018 AsianMOE AmerIndian2000 ... AmerIndianMOE Biracial2000 Biracial2014-2018 BiracialMOE Hispanic2000 Hispanic 2013-2017 HispanicMOE Other2000 Other2013-2017 OtherMOE
Algiers Point 0.251 0.086 0.044 0.674 0.816 0.030 0.008 0.003 0.005 0.005 ... 0.004 0.010 0.005 0.008 0.047 0.090 0.047 0.005 0.000 0.006
Audubon 0.051 0.071 0.015 0.861 0.736 0.013 0.024 0.055 0.011 0.002 ... 0.002 0.015 0.035 0.011 0.044 0.100 0.026 0.003 0.003 0.003
B.W. Cooper 0.984 0.974 0.041 0.002 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.000 0.012 0.000 ... 0.012 0.004 0.015 0.014 0.009 0.008 0.013 0.001 0.004 0.014
Bayou St. John 0.678 0.370 0.092 0.267 0.537 0.021 0.009 0.003 0.003 0.004 ... 0.004 0.008 0.004 0.004 0.032 0.083 0.036 0.002 0.003 0.005
Behrman 0.774 0.783 0.051 0.128 0.114 0.041 0.016 0.003 0.003 0.002 ... 0.003 0.012 0.012 0.013 0.066 0.087 0.039 0.002 0.000 0.004
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
West Lake Forest 0.954 0.921 0.017 0.020 0.003 0.003 0.004 0.000 0.004 0.002 ... 0.004 0.007 0.014 0.009 0.013 0.053 0.029 0.001 0.009 0.013
West Riverside 0.361 0.204 0.052 0.569 0.730 0.024 0.007 0.011 0.007 0.004 ... 0.004 0.014 0.010 0.005 0.042 0.039 0.015 0.003 0.004 0.008
Whitney 0.849 0.786 0.097 0.111 0.168 0.044 0.005 0.022 0.014 0.002 ... 0.006 0.009 0.007 0.008 0.023 0.005 0.009 0.000 0.012 0.022
New Orleans 0.667 0.590 0.002 0.266 0.306 0.000 0.023 0.029 0.001 0.002 ... 0.000 0.010 0.015 0.002 0.031 0.055 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.001
United States 0.121 0.123 0.000 0.691 0.611 0.000 0.036 0.054 0.000 0.007 ... 0.000 0.016 0.024 0.000 0.125 0.178 0.000 0.003 0.004 0.000

74 rows × 21 columns

Black2000              float64
Black2014-2018         float64
BlackMOE               float64
White2000              float64
White2014-2018         float64
WhiteMOE               float64
Asian2000              float64
Asian2014-2018         float64
AsianMOE               float64
AmerIndian2000         float64
AmerIndian2014-2018    float64
AmerIndianMOE          float64
Biracial2000           float64
Biracial2014-2018      float64
BiracialMOE            float64
Hispanic2000           float64
Hispanic 2013-2017     float64
HispanicMOE            float64
Other2000              float64
Other2013-2017         float64
OtherMOE               float64
dtype: object

This dataset is the "big one" from the NOPD, and includes information regarding all individuals who were stopped by them. As you can see, there is a ton of missing information and several unnecessary columns for this project, so we will have a lot of cleaning up to do.

In [396]:
df = pd.read_csv("../FinalDSTutorial/Stop_and_Search__Field_Interviews_.csv", dtype={'FieldInterviewID': int})
C:\Users\Isabe\Documents\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\ DtypeWarning: Columns (1,7,28) have mixed types. Specify dtype option on import or set low_memory=False.
  interactivity=interactivity, compiler=compiler, result=result)
FieldInterviewID NOPD_Item EventDate District Zone OfficerAssignment StopDescription ActionsTaken VehicleYear VehicleMake ... SubjectWeight SubjectEyeColor SubjectHairColor SubjectDriverLicState CreatedDateTime LastModifiedDateTime Longitude Latitude Zip BlockAddress
0 17415 NaN 01/01/2010 01:11:00 AM 6 E 6th District TRAFFIC VIOLATION NaN 2005.0 DODGE ... 160.0 Brown Black LA 01/01/2010 01:26:26 AM NaN 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN
1 17416 NaN 01/01/2010 02:06:00 AM 5 D 5th District CALL FOR SERVICE NaN NaN NaN ... 140.0 Brown Black NaN 01/01/2010 02:27:38 AM NaN 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN
2 17416 NaN 01/01/2010 02:06:00 AM 5 D 5th District CALL FOR SERVICE NaN NaN NaN ... 145.0 Brown Black NaN 01/01/2010 02:27:38 AM NaN 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN
3 17416 NaN 01/01/2010 02:06:00 AM 5 D 5th District CALL FOR SERVICE NaN NaN NaN ... 140.0 Brown Black NaN 01/01/2010 02:27:38 AM NaN 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN
4 17416 NaN 01/01/2010 02:06:00 AM 5 D 5th District CALL FOR SERVICE NaN NaN NaN ... 140.0 Brown Black NaN 01/01/2010 02:27:38 AM NaN 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN

5 rows × 29 columns

FieldInterviewID           int32
NOPD_Item                 object
EventDate                 object
District                   int64
Zone                      object
OfficerAssignment         object
StopDescription           object
ActionsTaken              object
VehicleYear              float64
VehicleMake               object
VehicleModel              object
VehicleStyle              object
VehicleColor              object
SubjectID                float64
SubjectRace               object
SubjectGender             object
SubjectAge               float64
SubjectHasPhotoID         object
SubjectHeight            float64
SubjectWeight            float64
SubjectEyeColor           object
SubjectHairColor          object
SubjectDriverLicState     object
CreatedDateTime           object
LastModifiedDateTime      object
Longitude                float64
Latitude                 float64
Zip                      float64
BlockAddress              object
dtype: object

Finally, this dataset contains information about the NOPD zones. This is so we can analyze stops based on location later.

In [397]:
# set the filepath and load in shapefile
map_df = gpd.read_file("../FinalDSTutorial/NOPD_Police_Zones.shp")
# drop unnecessary column
map_df = map_df.drop(columns=['District'])
# check data types
# check map display
OBJECTID Zone Shape_Leng Shape_Area geometry
0 1765 1A 6435.352215 2.200386e+06 POLYGON ((3682345.043 537569.990, 3682348.373 ...
1 1766 1B 7670.176992 3.484915e+06 POLYGON ((3682208.123 537799.040, 3682018.873 ...
2 1767 1C 17522.916885 1.273158e+07 POLYGON ((3680229.323 541622.219, 3680673.303 ...
3 1768 1E 8727.211145 4.661121e+06 POLYGON ((3680275.423 531907.340, 3680017.413 ...
4 1769 1F 8957.458456 4.933227e+06 POLYGON ((3681361.653 533335.220, 3681360.213 ...
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1bc885ca0c8>

Now we must also add the file that goes along with this map.

In [398]:
zonesDf = pd.read_csv("../FinalDSTutorial/NOPD_Police_Zones.csv")
OBJECTID Zone District Shape_Length Shape_Area
0 1765 1A 1 6435.352215 2.200386e+06
1 1766 1B 1 7670.176992 3.484915e+06
2 1767 1C 1 17522.916885 1.273158e+07
3 1768 1E 1 8727.211145 4.661121e+06
4 1769 1F 1 8957.458456 4.933227e+06
OBJECTID          int64
Zone             object
District          int64
Shape_Length    float64
Shape_Area      float64
dtype: object


Our next step is to clean up our messy NOPD dataset. First, we will drop any columns that will not be necessary for our analysis. Although one of our original questions was about class, and we wanted to use vehicles to somehow designate a person's class, the information in those columns seems to be too inconsistent, so we will drop them for now.

In [399]:
dropped_df = df.drop(columns=['NOPD_Item', 'VehicleYear', 'VehicleMake', 'VehicleModel', 'VehicleStyle', 'VehicleColor', 'SubjectWeight', 'SubjectHeight', 'SubjectEyeColor', 'SubjectHairColor', 'SubjectAge', 'SubjectHasPhotoID', 'SubjectDriverLicState', 'CreatedDateTime', 'LastModifiedDateTime', 'Longitude', 'Latitude', 'Zip', 'BlockAddress'])
FieldInterviewID EventDate District Zone OfficerAssignment StopDescription ActionsTaken SubjectID SubjectRace SubjectGender
0 17415 01/01/2010 01:11:00 AM 6 E 6th District TRAFFIC VIOLATION NaN 20465.0 BLACK FEMALE
1 17416 01/01/2010 02:06:00 AM 5 D 5th District CALL FOR SERVICE NaN 20466.0 BLACK MALE
2 17416 01/01/2010 02:06:00 AM 5 D 5th District CALL FOR SERVICE NaN 20467.0 BLACK MALE
3 17416 01/01/2010 02:06:00 AM 5 D 5th District CALL FOR SERVICE NaN 20468.0 BLACK MALE
4 17416 01/01/2010 02:06:00 AM 5 D 5th District CALL FOR SERVICE NaN 20469.0 BLACK MALE

Next, we will change our index to be both FieldInterviewID and SubjectID in order to not have multiple FieldInterview entries, but still be able to see how many individuals were involved in a single interview. We are also going to make sure that missing values are replaced with NaN.

In [400]:
df = dropped_df.set_index(['FieldInterviewID', 'SubjectID'])
df = df.replace('-', np.nan)
df['SubjectGender'] = df['SubjectGender'].fillna('UNKNOWN')
EventDate District Zone OfficerAssignment StopDescription ActionsTaken SubjectRace SubjectGender
FieldInterviewID SubjectID
17415 20465.0 01/01/2010 01:11:00 AM 6 E 6th District TRAFFIC VIOLATION NaN BLACK FEMALE
17416 20466.0 01/01/2010 02:06:00 AM 5 D 5th District CALL FOR SERVICE NaN BLACK MALE
20467.0 01/01/2010 02:06:00 AM 5 D 5th District CALL FOR SERVICE NaN BLACK MALE
20468.0 01/01/2010 02:06:00 AM 5 D 5th District CALL FOR SERVICE NaN BLACK MALE
20469.0 01/01/2010 02:06:00 AM 5 D 5th District CALL FOR SERVICE NaN BLACK MALE

Now we are ready for some analysis. First, we are going to see what are the most common actions taken against people of a certain race. To begin, we create a list of unique actions to see what categories we will have to do analysis for.

In [401]:
# create list of unique actions
actionsLst = df.ActionsTaken.unique()
       'Stop Results: Physical Arrest;Subject Type: Passenger;Search Occurred: Yes;Search Types: Vehicle;Search Types: Pat-down;Search Types: Passenger(s);Legal Basises: Probable cause;Legal Basises: Plain view;Evidence Seized: Yes;Evidence Types: Weapon(s)',
       'Stop Results: Citation Issued;Subject Type: Driver;Search Occurred: No;Legal Basises: Probable cause;Evidence Seized: No',
       'Stop Results: No action taken;Subject Type: Driver;Search Occurred: Yes;Evidence Seized: No;Legal Basises: Incident to arrest;Legal Basises: Vehicle Exception;Consent To Search: No;Exit Vehicle: Yes;Search Type Pat Down: Yes;Consent Form Completed: No;StripBody Cavity Search: No',
       'Stop Results: Summons Issued;Subject Type: Passenger;Search Occurred: Yes;Evidence Seized: Yes;Evidence Types: Other;Legal Basises: Incident to arrest;Legal Basises: Vehicle Exception;Consent To Search: No;Exit Vehicle: Yes;Search Type Pat Down: Yes;Consent Form Completed: No;StripBody Cavity Search: No',
       'Stop Results: No action taken;Subject Type: Passenger;Search Occurred: Yes;Evidence Seized: No;Legal Basises: Incident to arrest;Legal Basises: Vehicle Exception;Consent To Search: No;Exit Vehicle: Yes;Search Type Pat Down: Yes;Consent Form Completed: No;StripBody Cavity Search: No'],

We can see that every ActionsTaken column actually has multiple pieces of information per row, so we will need to separate each category into columns of their own later. For now, we will go through the actions list to make sure the terms they use are uniform throughout, since if they are it will make our job easier later.

In [402]:
# making sure the terms they use are uniform throughout. It seems like they are.
count1 = 0
count2 = 0
count3 = 0
count4 = 0

for i in actionsLst:
    if (type(i) is str):
        if ('Stop Results: No action taken' in i):
            count1 += 1
        elif ('Stop Results: no action taken' in i):
            count2 += 1
        elif ('Stop Results: No Action Taken' in i):
            count3 += 1
        elif ('Stop Results: No Action taken' in i):
            count4 += 1
# counting total number of people of each race and gender that was ever stopped in this dataset
amerCount = df['SubjectRace'].value_counts()["AMER. IND."]
asianCount = df['SubjectRace'].value_counts()["ASIAN"]
blackCount = df['SubjectRace'].value_counts()["BLACK"]
hispanicCount = df['SubjectRace'].value_counts()["HISPANIC"]
whiteCount = df['SubjectRace'].value_counts()["WHITE"]
maleCount = df['SubjectGender'].value_counts()["MALE"]
femaleCount = df['SubjectGender'].value_counts()["FEMALE"]
unknownCount = df['SubjectGender'].value_counts()["UNKNOWN"]

# initializing count for actions taken against each race
noActionAmer = noActionAsian = noActionBlack = noActionHispanic = noActionWhite = 0

nanActionAmer = nanActionAsian = nanActionBlack = nanActionHispanic = nanActionWhite = 0

The following cells turn the ActionsTaken column into multiple columns that each represent a single action, so we can create visualizations easier. The visualizations also included actions taken per gender.

In [403]:
numRows = len(df.index)
actionCategories = []
temp = ""
semiBool = True
for i in actionsLst:
    if (type(i) is str):
        semiBool = True
        for j in i:
            if (semiBool == True):
                if(j != ":"):
                    temp += j
                    semiBool = False
                    if (temp not in actionCategories):
                    temp = ""
            elif (j == ";"):
                semiBool = True
In [404]:
temp1 = []

for i in range(numRows):

stopResultsLst = []
subjectTypeLst = []
searchOccurredLst = []
searchTypesLst = []
legalBasisesLst = []

emptyLst = ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]

for index, row in df.iterrows():
    tempLst = emptyLst
    if (type(row["ActionsTaken"]) is str):
        list1 = row["ActionsTaken"].split(':')

        list2 = []

        for i in list1:
            temp = i.split(';')
            for j in temp:
                if (j[0] == ' '):
        for i in (range(len(list2))):
            if (list2[i] in actionCategories):
                if (list2[i] == 'Stop Results'):
                    tempLst[0] = list2[i + 1]
                elif (list2[i] == 'Subject Type'):
                    tempLst[1] = list2[i + 1]
                elif (list2[i] == 'Search Occurred'):
                    tempLst[2] = list2[i + 1]
                elif (list2[i] == 'Search Types'):
                    tempLst[3] = list2[i + 1]
                elif (list2[i] == 'Legal Basises'):
                    tempLst[4] = list2[i + 1]


df['StopResults'] = stopResultsLst
df['SubjectType'] = subjectTypeLst
df['SearchOccurred'] = searchOccurredLst
df['SearchTypes'] = searchTypesLst
df['LegalBasises'] = legalBasisesLst

EventDate District Zone OfficerAssignment StopDescription ActionsTaken SubjectRace SubjectGender StopResults SubjectType SearchOccurred SearchTypes LegalBasises
FieldInterviewID SubjectID
17415 20465.0 01/01/2010 01:11:00 AM 6 E 6th District TRAFFIC VIOLATION NaN BLACK FEMALE - - - - -
17416 20466.0 01/01/2010 02:06:00 AM 5 D 5th District CALL FOR SERVICE NaN BLACK MALE - - - - -
20467.0 01/01/2010 02:06:00 AM 5 D 5th District CALL FOR SERVICE NaN BLACK MALE - - - - -
20468.0 01/01/2010 02:06:00 AM 5 D 5th District CALL FOR SERVICE NaN BLACK MALE - - - - -
20469.0 01/01/2010 02:06:00 AM 5 D 5th District CALL FOR SERVICE NaN BLACK MALE - - - - -

Exploratory Analysis - Disproportionate Targeting

Now for some visualization! The following bar graphs use a simple count to allow us to visualize how frequently each type of action occurs per race. This analysis does not take the racial makeup of New Orleans into account; it strictly counts the number of occurrences on the dataset. This shows us, given there has already been a police interaction, the odds that each stop result will happen per race.

Here we see when no actions were taken by race and gender.

In [406]:
noAmer = noAsian = noBlack = noHispanic = noWhite = noFemale = noMale = noUnknown = 0

for index, row in df.iterrows():
    if (row["StopResults"] == "No action taken"):
        if (row['SubjectRace'] == "AMER. IND."):
            noAmer += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "ASIAN"):
            noAsian += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "BLACK"):
            noBlack += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "HISPANIC"):
            noHispanic += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "WHITE"):
            noWhite += 1
        if (row['SubjectGender'] == "FEMALE"):
            noFemale += 1
        if (row['SubjectGender'] == "MALE"):
            noMale += 1
        if ((row['SubjectGender'] == "UNKNOWN")):
            noUnknown += 1
noAmerPer = (noAmer / amerCount) * 100
noAsianPer = (noAsian / asianCount) * 100
noBlackPer = (noBlack / blackCount) * 100
noHispanicPer = (noHispanic / hispanicCount) * 100
noWhitePer = (noWhite / whiteCount) * 100

noFemalePer = (noFemale / femaleCount) * 100
noMalePer = (noMale / maleCount) * 100
noUnknownPer = (noUnknown / unknownCount) * 100

noPerDict = {"Race": ["Asian", "Black", "Hispanic", "Indigenous", "White"], "Percentage of Interactions Resulting in No action taken": [noAsianPer, noBlackPer, noHispanicPer, noAmerPer, noWhitePer]}
noPerDictGender = {"Gender": ["Female", "Male", "Unknown"], "Percentage of Interactions Resulting in No action taken": [noFemalePer, noMalePer, noUnknownPer]}

noRaceDf = pd.DataFrame(noPerDict).set_index('Race')
noGenderDf = pd.DataFrame(noPerDictGender).set_index('Gender')
KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-406-bb5991d8318c> in <module>
      1 noAmer = noAsian = noBlack = noHispanic = noWhite = noFemale = noMale = noUnknown = 0
----> 3 for index, row in df.iterrows():
      4     if (row["StopResults"] == "No action taken"):
      5         if (row['SubjectRace'] == "AMER. IND."):

~\Documents\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ in iterrows(self)
    892         klass = self._constructor_sliced
    893         for k, v in zip(self.index, self.values):
--> 894             s = klass(v, index=columns, name=k)
    895             yield k, s

~\Documents\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ in __init__(self, data, index, dtype, name, copy, fastpath)
    309                     data = data.copy()
    310             else:
--> 311                 data = sanitize_array(data, index, dtype, copy, raise_cast_failure=True)
    313                 data = SingleBlockManager(data, index, fastpath=True)

~\Documents\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\internals\ in sanitize_array(data, index, dtype, copy, raise_cast_failure)
    662         else:
    663             # we will try to copy be-definition here
--> 664             subarr = _try_cast(data, dtype, copy, raise_cast_failure)
    666     elif isinstance(data, ExtensionArray):

~\Documents\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\internals\ in _try_cast(arr, dtype, copy, raise_cast_failure)
    790         ):
    791             subarr = construct_1d_object_array_from_listlike(subarr)
--> 792         elif not is_extension_type(subarr):
    793             subarr = construct_1d_ndarray_preserving_na(subarr, dtype, copy=copy)
    794     except OutOfBoundsDatetime:

~\Documents\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\dtypes\ in is_extension_type(arr)
   1734     if is_categorical(arr):
   1735         return True
-> 1736     elif is_sparse(arr):
   1737         return True
   1738     elif is_datetime64tz_dtype(arr):

~\Documents\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\dtypes\ in is_sparse(arr)
    309     True
    310     """
--> 311     from pandas.core.arrays.sparse import SparseDtype
    313     dtype = getattr(arr, "dtype", arr)


This graph shows the percentage of interactions that did not have a specified result.

In [ ]:
nanAmer = nanAsian = nanBlack = nanHispanic = nanWhite = nanFemale = nanMale = nanUnknown = 0

for index, row in df.iterrows():
    if ((row["StopResults"] == "-")):
        if (row['SubjectRace'] == "AMER. IND."):
            nanAmer += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "ASIAN"):
            nanAsian += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "BLACK"):
            nanBlack += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "HISPANIC"):
            nanHispanic += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "WHITE"):
            nanWhite += 1
        if (row['SubjectGender'] == "FEMALE"):
            nanFemale += 1
        if (row['SubjectGender'] == "MALE"):
            nanMale += 1
        if ((row['SubjectGender'] == "UNKNOWN")):
            nanUnknown += 1
nanAmerPer = (nanAmer / amerCount) * 100
nanAsianPer = (nanAsian / asianCount) * 100
nanBlackPer = (nanBlack / blackCount) * 100
nanHispanicPer = (nanHispanic / hispanicCount) * 100
nanWhitePer = (nanWhite / whiteCount) * 100

nanFemalePer = (nanFemale / femaleCount) * 100
nanMalePer = (nanMale / maleCount) * 100
nanUnknownPer = (nanUnknown / unknownCount) * 100

nanPerDict = {"Race": ["Asian", "Black", "Hispanic", "Indigenous", "White"], "Percentage of Interactions with no specified result": [nanAsianPer, nanBlackPer, nanHispanicPer, nanAmerPer, nanWhitePer]}
nanPerDictGender = {"Gender": ["Female", "Male", "Unknown"], "Percentage of Interactions Resulting with no specified result": [nanFemalePer, nanMalePer, nanUnknownPer]}

nanRaceDf = pd.DataFrame(nanPerDict).set_index('Race')
nanGenderDf = pd.DataFrame(nanPerDictGender).set_index('Gender')

Here we can see who received verbal warnings.

In [ ]:
verbalWarningAmer = verbalWarningAsian = verbalWarningBlack = verbalWarningHispanic = verbalWarningWhite = verbalWarningFemale = verbalWarningMale = verbalWarningUnknown = 0

for index, row in df.iterrows():
    if (row["StopResults"] == "Verbal Warning"):
        if (row['SubjectRace'] == "AMER. IND."):
            verbalWarningAmer += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "ASIAN"):
            verbalWarningAsian += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "BLACK"):
            verbalWarningBlack += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "HISPANIC"):
            verbalWarningHispanic += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "WHITE"):
            verbalWarningWhite += 1
        if (row['SubjectGender'] == "FEMALE"):
            verbalWarningFemale += 1
        if (row['SubjectGender'] == "MALE"):
            verbalWarningMale += 1
        if ((row['SubjectGender'] == "UNKNOWN")):
            verbalWarningUnknown += 1
verbalWarningAmerPer = (verbalWarningAmer / amerCount) * 100
verbalWarningAsianPer = (verbalWarningAsian / asianCount) * 100
verbalWarningBlackPer = (verbalWarningBlack / blackCount) * 100
verbalWarningHispanicPer = (verbalWarningHispanic / hispanicCount) * 100
verbalWarningWhitePer = (verbalWarningWhite / whiteCount) * 100

verbalWarningFemalePer = (verbalWarningFemale / femaleCount) * 100
verbalWarningMalePer = (verbalWarningMale / maleCount) * 100
verbalWarningUnknownPer = (verbalWarningUnknown / unknownCount) * 100

verbalWarningPerDict = {"Race": ["Asian", "Black", "Hispanic", "Indigenous", "White"], "Percentage of Interactions Resulting in Verbal Warnings": [verbalWarningAsianPer, verbalWarningBlackPer, verbalWarningHispanicPer, verbalWarningAmerPer, verbalWarningWhitePer]}
verbalWarningPerDictGender = {"Gender": ["Female", "Male", "Unknown"], "Percentage of Interactions Resulting in Verbal Warnings": [verbalWarningFemalePer, verbalWarningMalePer, verbalWarningUnknownPer]}

verbalWarningRaceDf = pd.DataFrame(verbalWarningPerDict).set_index('Race')
verbalWarningGenderDf = pd.DataFrame(verbalWarningPerDictGender).set_index('Gender')

This graph shows who received a citation.

In [ ]:
citationAmer = citationAsian = citationBlack = citationHispanic = citationWhite = citationFemale = citationMale = citationUnknown = 0

for index, row in df.iterrows():
    if (row["StopResults"] == "Citation Issued"):
        if (row['SubjectRace'] == "AMER. IND."):
            citationAmer += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "ASIAN"):
            citationAsian += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "BLACK"):
            citationBlack += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "HISPANIC"):
            citationHispanic += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "WHITE"):
            citationWhite += 1
        if (row['SubjectGender'] == "FEMALE"):
            citationFemale += 1
        if (row['SubjectGender'] == "MALE"):
            citationMale += 1
        if ((row['SubjectGender'] == "UNKNOWN")):
            citationUnknown += 1
citationAmerPer = (citationAmer / amerCount) * 100
citationAsianPer = (citationAsian / asianCount) * 100
citationBlackPer = (citationBlack / blackCount) * 100
citationHispanicPer = (citationHispanic / hispanicCount) * 100
citationWhitePer = (citationWhite / whiteCount) * 100

citationFemalePer = (citationFemale / femaleCount) * 100
citationMalePer = (citationMale / maleCount) * 100
citationUnknownPer = (citationUnknown / unknownCount) * 100

citationPerDict = {"Race": ["Asian", "Black", "Hispanic", "Indigenous", "White"], "Percentage of Interactions Resulting in Citations Issued": [citationAsianPer, citationBlackPer, citationHispanicPer, citationAmerPer, citationWhitePer]}
citationPerDictGender = {"Gender": ["Female", "Male", "Unknown"], "Percentage of Interactions Resulting in Citations Issued": [citationFemalePer, citationMalePer, citationUnknownPer]}

citationRaceDf = pd.DataFrame(citationPerDict).set_index('Race')
citationGenderDf = pd.DataFrame(citationPerDictGender).set_index('Gender')

This chart shows who received a summons.

In [ ]:
summonsAmer = summonsAsian = summonsBlack = summonsHispanic = summonsWhite = summonsFemale = summonsMale = summonsUnknown = 0

for index, row in df.iterrows():
    if (row["StopResults"] == "Summons Issued"):
        if (row['SubjectRace'] == "AMER. IND."):
            summonsAmer += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "ASIAN"):
            summonsAsian += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "BLACK"):
            summonsBlack += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "HISPANIC"):
            summonsHispanic += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "WHITE"):
            summonsWhite += 1
        if (row['SubjectGender'] == "FEMALE"):
            summonsFemale += 1
        if (row['SubjectGender'] == "MALE"):
            summonsMale += 1
        if ((row['SubjectGender'] == "UNKNOWN")):
            summonsUnknown += 1
summonsAmerPer = (summonsAmer / amerCount) * 100
summonsAsianPer = (summonsAsian / asianCount) * 100
summonsBlackPer = (summonsBlack / blackCount) * 100
summonsHispanicPer = (summonsHispanic / hispanicCount) * 100
summonsWhitePer = (summonsWhite / whiteCount) * 100

summonsFemalePer = (summonsFemale / femaleCount) * 100
summonsMalePer = (summonsMale / maleCount) * 100
summonsUnknownPer = (summonsUnknown / unknownCount) * 100

summonsPerDict = {"Race": ["Asian", "Black", "Hispanic", "Indigenous", "White"], "Percentage of Interactions Resulting in Summons Issued": [summonsAsianPer, summonsBlackPer, summonsHispanicPer, summonsAmerPer, summonsWhitePer]}
summonsPerDictGender = {"Gender": ["Female", "Male", "Unknown"], "Percentage of Interactions Resulting in Summons Issued": [summonsFemalePer, summonsMalePer, summonsUnknownPer]}

summonsRaceDf = pd.DataFrame(summonsPerDict).set_index('Race')
summonsGenderDf = pd.DataFrame(summonsPerDictGender).set_index('Gender')

This graph shows stops that resulted in Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion, or L.E.A.D.. This action allows NOPD officers to divert individuals who are about to be arrested for a "low-level, non-violent municipal offense to intensive case management when the alleged offense is believed to be a product of underlying mental illness, substance abuse, or social challenges." See,illness%2C%20substance%20abuse%2C%20or%20social for more information.

This particular action is notable in that we can see how extremely rare it is for it to occur.

In [ ]:
leadAmer = leadAsian = leadBlack = leadHispanic = leadWhite = leadFemale = leadMale = leadUnknown = 0

for index, row in df.iterrows():
    if ((row["StopResults"] == "L.E.A.D.")):
        if (row['SubjectRace'] == "AMER. IND."):
            leadAmer += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "ASIAN"):
            leadAsian += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "BLACK"):
            leadBlack += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "HISPANIC"):
            leadHispanic += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "WHITE"):
            leadWhite += 1
        if (row['SubjectGender'] == "FEMALE"):
            leadFemale += 1
        if (row['SubjectGender'] == "MALE"):
            leadMale += 1
        if ((row['SubjectGender'] == "UNKNOWN")):
            leadUnknown += 1
leadAmerPer = (leadAmer / amerCount) * 100
leadAsianPer = (leadAsian / asianCount) * 100
leadBlackPer = (leadBlack / blackCount) * 100
leadHispanicPer = (leadHispanic / hispanicCount) * 100
leadWhitePer = (leadWhite / whiteCount) * 100

leadFemalePer = (leadFemale / femaleCount) * 100
leadMalePer = (leadMale / maleCount) * 100
leadUnknownPer = (leadUnknown / unknownCount) * 100

leadPerDict = {"Race": ["Asian", "Black", "Hispanic", "Indigenous", "White"], "Percentage of Interactions resulting in L.E.A.D.": [leadAsianPer, leadBlackPer, leadHispanicPer, leadAmerPer, leadWhitePer]}
leadPerDictGender = {"Gender": ["Female", "Male", "Unknown"], "Percentage of Interactions Resulting resulting in L.E.A.D.": [leadFemalePer, leadMalePer, leadUnknownPer]}

leadRaceDf = pd.DataFrame(leadPerDict).set_index('Race')
leadGenderDf = pd.DataFrame(leadPerDictGender).set_index('Gender')

This graph shows what stops resulted in searches.

In [ ]:
searchAmer = searchAsian = searchBlack = searchHispanic = searchWhite = searchFemale = searchMale = searchUnknown = 0

for index, row in df.iterrows():
    if ((row["SearchTypes"] == "-")):
        if (row['SubjectRace'] == "AMER. IND."):
            searchAmer += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "ASIAN"):
            searchAsian += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "BLACK"):
            searchBlack += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "HISPANIC"):
            searchHispanic += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "WHITE"):
            searchWhite += 1
        if (row['SubjectGender'] == "FEMALE"):
            searchFemale += 1
        if (row['SubjectGender'] == "MALE"):
            searchMale += 1
        if ((row['SubjectGender'] == "UNKNOWN")):
            searchUnknown += 1
searchAmerPer = ((searchAmer / amerCount) * 100)
searchAsianPer = ((searchAsian / asianCount) * 100)
searchBlackPer = ((searchBlack / blackCount) * 100)
searchHispanicPer = ((searchHispanic / hispanicCount) * 100)
searchWhitePer = ((searchWhite / whiteCount) * 100)

searchFemalePer = (100 - (searchFemale / femaleCount) * 100)
searchMalePer = (100 - (searchMale / maleCount) * 100)
searchUnknownPer = (100 - (searchUnknown / unknownCount) * 100)

searchPerDict = {"Race": ["Asian", "Black", "Hispanic", "Indigenous", "White"], "Percentage of Interactions resulting in some type of search": [searchAsianPer, searchBlackPer, searchHispanicPer, searchAmerPer, searchWhitePer]}
searchPerDictGender = {"Gender": ["Female", "Male", "Unknown"], "Percentage of Interactions Resulting resulting in some type of search": [searchFemalePer, searchMalePer, searchUnknownPer]}

searchRaceDf = pd.DataFrame(searchPerDict).set_index('Race')
searchGenderDf = pd.DataFrame(searchPerDictGender).set_index('Gender')

And finally, this chart shows who got arrested.

In [ ]:
arrestAmer = arrestAsian = arrestBlack = arrestHispanic = arrestWhite = arrestFemale = arrestMale = arrestUnknown = 0

for index, row in df.iterrows():
    if (row["StopResults"] == "Physical Arrest"):
        if (row['SubjectRace'] == "AMER. IND."):
            arrestAmer += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "ASIAN"):
            arrestAsian += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "BLACK"):
            arrestBlack += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "HISPANIC"):
            arrestHispanic += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "WHITE"):
            arrestWhite += 1
        if (row['SubjectGender'] == "FEMALE"):
            arrestFemale += 1
        if (row['SubjectGender'] == "MALE"):
            arrestMale += 1
        if ((row['SubjectGender'] == "UNKNOWN")):
            arrestUnknown += 1
arrestAmerPer = (arrestAmer / amerCount) * 100
arrestAsianPer = (arrestAsian / asianCount) * 100
arrestBlackPer = (arrestBlack / blackCount) * 100
arrestHispanicPer = (arrestHispanic / hispanicCount) * 100
arrestWhitePer = (arrestWhite / whiteCount) * 100

arrestFemalePer = (arrestFemale / femaleCount) * 100
arrestMalePer = (arrestMale / maleCount) * 100
arrestUnknownPer = (arrestUnknown / unknownCount) * 100

arrestPerDict = {"Race": ["Asian", "Black", "Hispanic", "Indigenous", "White"], "Percentage of Interactions Resulting in Physical Arrest": [arrestAsianPer, arrestBlackPer, arrestHispanicPer, arrestAmerPer, arrestWhitePer]}
arrestPerDictGender = {"Gender": ["Female", "Male", "Unknown"], "Percentage of Interactions Resulting in Physical Arrest": [arrestFemalePer, arrestMalePer, arrestUnknownPer]}

arrestRaceDf = pd.DataFrame(arrestPerDict).set_index('Race')
arrestGenderDf = pd.DataFrame(arrestPerDictGender).set_index('Gender')

This graph differs slightly from its predecessors in that it finds not just the percentage of traffic stops, but specifically the percentage of traffic stops that resulted in some sort of search.

In [ ]:
trafficSearchAmer = trafficSearchAsian = trafficSearchBlack = trafficSearchHispanic = trafficSearchWhite = trafficSearchFemale = trafficSearchMale = trafficSearchUnknown = 0
trafficStopAmer = trafficStopAsian = trafficStopBlack = trafficStopHispanic = trafficStopWhite = trafficStopFemale = trafficStopMale = trafficStopUnknown = 0

for index, row in df.iterrows():
    if (row["StopDescription"] == "TRAFFIC VIOLATION"):
        if (row['SubjectRace'] == "AMER. IND."):
            trafficStopAmer += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "ASIAN"):
            trafficStopAsian += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "BLACK"):
            trafficStopBlack += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "HISPANIC"):
            trafficStopHispanic += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "WHITE"):
            trafficStopWhite += 1
        if (row['SubjectGender'] == "FEMALE"):
            trafficStopFemale += 1
        if (row['SubjectGender'] == "MALE"):
            trafficStopMale += 1
        if ((row['SubjectGender'] == "UNKNOWN")):
            trafficStopUnknown += 1    
        if ((row["StopResults"] != "No action taken") and (row["StopResults"] == "-")):
            if (row['SubjectRace'] == "AMER. IND."):
                trafficSearchAmer += 1
            elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "ASIAN"):
                trafficSearchAsian += 1
            elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "BLACK"):
                trafficSearchBlack += 1
            elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "HISPANIC"):
                trafficSearchHispanic += 1
            elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "WHITE"):
                trafficSearchWhite += 1
            if (row['SubjectGender'] == "FEMALE"):
                trafficSearchFemale += 1
            if (row['SubjectGender'] == "MALE"):
                trafficSearchMale += 1
            if ((row['SubjectGender'] == "UNKNOWN")):
                trafficSearchUnknown += 1           
trafficSearchAmerPer = ((trafficSearchAmer / trafficStopAmer) * 100)
trafficSearchAsianPer = ((trafficSearchAsian / trafficStopAsian) * 100)
trafficSearchBlackPer = ((trafficSearchBlack / trafficStopBlack) * 100)
trafficSearchHispanicPer = ((trafficSearchHispanic / trafficStopHispanic) * 100)
trafficSearchWhitePer = ((trafficSearchWhite / trafficStopWhite) * 100)

trafficSearchFemalePer = (100 - (trafficSearchFemale / trafficStopFemale) * 100)
trafficSearchMalePer = (100 - (trafficSearchMale / trafficStopMale) * 100)
trafficSearchUnknownPer = (100 - (trafficSearchUnknown / trafficStopUnknown) * 100)

trafficSearchPerDict = {"Race": ["Asian", "Black", "Hispanic", "Indigenous", "White"], "Percentage of traffic stops resulting in some type of search": [trafficSearchAsianPer, trafficSearchBlackPer, trafficSearchHispanicPer, trafficSearchAmerPer, trafficSearchWhitePer]}
trafficSearchPerDictGender = {"Gender": ["Female", "Male", "Unknown"], "Percentage of traffic stops resulting in some type of search": [trafficSearchFemalePer, trafficSearchMalePer, trafficSearchUnknownPer]}

trafficSearchRaceDf = pd.DataFrame(trafficSearchPerDict).set_index('Race')
trafficSearchGenderDf = pd.DataFrame(trafficSearchPerDictGender).set_index('Gender')

This analysis yields a number that is closer to what our partner at the Data Center told us to aim for. However, this uses a variable that we were less trustful of because we found many inconsistencies in it.

In [ ]:
trafficSearchAmer2 = trafficSearchAsian2 = trafficSearchBlack2 = trafficSearchHispanic2 = trafficSearchWhite2 = 0
trafficStopAmer2 = trafficStopAsian2 = trafficStopBlack2 = trafficStopHispanic2 = trafficStopWhite2 = 0
trafficViolations = 0
for index, row in df.iterrows():
    if (row["StopDescription"] == "TRAFFIC VIOLATION") and (row["EventDate"][6:10] == "2017"):
        trafficViolations += 1
        if (row['SubjectRace'] == "AMER. IND."):
            trafficStopAmer2 += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "ASIAN"):
            trafficStopAsian2 += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "BLACK"):
            trafficStopBlack2 += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "HISPANIC"):
            trafficStopHispanic2 += 1
        elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "WHITE"):
            trafficStopWhite2 += 1
        if (row["SearchOccurred"] == "Yes"):
            if (row['SubjectRace'] == "AMER. IND."):
                trafficSearchAmer2 += 1
            elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "ASIAN"):
                trafficSearchAsian2 += 1
            elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "BLACK"):
                trafficSearchBlack2 += 1
            elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "HISPANIC"):
                trafficSearchHispanic2 += 1
            elif (row['SubjectRace'] == "WHITE"):
                trafficSearchWhite2 += 1
trafficSearchAmerPer2 = ((trafficSearchAmer2 / trafficStopAmer2) * 100)
trafficSearchAsianPer2 = ((trafficSearchAsian2 / trafficStopAsian2) * 100)
trafficSearchBlackPer2 = ((trafficSearchBlack2 / trafficStopBlack2) * 100)
trafficSearchHispanicPer2 = ((trafficSearchHispanic2 / trafficStopHispanic2) * 100)
trafficSearchWhitePer2 = ((trafficSearchWhite2 / trafficStopWhite2) * 100)
trafficSearchPerDict2 = {"Race": ["Asian", "Black", "Hispanic", "Indigenous", "White"], "Percentage of traffic stops resulting in some type of search": [trafficSearchAsianPer2, trafficSearchBlackPer2, trafficSearchHispanicPer2, trafficSearchAmerPer2, trafficSearchWhitePer2]}
trafficSearchRaceDf2 = pd.DataFrame(trafficSearchPerDict2).set_index('Race')

Unfortunately for many of these analyses, we do not have great data regarding gender because there are high amounts of "unknown" genders recorded. However, we can still use the demographic information we have to see whether the stops per race are proportional to the racial makeup of this city.

To prepare for this, we will begin work on the gender dataset since there are only three attributes at play - "male", "female", and "unknown". This will include cleaning it up by dropping unnecessary columns and changing the dtype for some columns.

In [ ]:
gender_df = gender_df.dropna(how='all')
gender_df = gender_df.drop(columns=['Blank'])
In [ ]:

After cleaning up this dataset a little, we can move onto more data analysis. Our first analysis is a simple test to see if we can extract any useful information based on a subject's gender. Below is a simple pie chart that shows roughly how many men vs how many women were stopped by police in total.

In [ ]:
df['SubjectGender'].value_counts().plot.pie(colors=['blue', 'pink', 'gray'])

This pie chart compares the percentage of women and men located in the city of New Orleans.

In [ ]:
NewOrleansGenders = gender_df[['Female2014-2018', 'Male2014-2018']]
display(NewOrleansGenders.loc['New Orleans'].plot.pie(y='Gender in New Orleans, 2014-2018', colors=['pink', 'blue']))

From this simple comparison, we can see that the number of males that are stopped by police exceeds what should be considered proportional. If the number of men stopped were proportional to the population of the city, then roughly 50% of these stops would have been males.

Now we need to clean up the race dataframe and exclude data that came from years we don't need.

In [ ]:
clean_race_df = race_df.drop(columns=['Black2000', 'BlackMOE', 'White2000', 'WhiteMOE', 'Asian2000', 'AsianMOE', 'AmerIndian2000', 'AmerIndianMOE', 'Biracial2000', 'BiracialMOE', 'Hispanic2000', 'HispanicMOE', 'Other2000', 'OtherMOE'])

Now we can create a bar graph showing the total percentages of each action taken by race.

In [ ]:
comp1 = pd.merge(noRaceDf, nanRaceDf, left_index=True, right_index=True)
comp2 = pd.merge(comp1, verbalWarningRaceDf, left_index=True, right_index=True)
comp3 = pd.merge(comp2, citationRaceDf, left_index=True, right_index=True)
comp4 = pd.merge(comp3, summonsRaceDf, left_index=True, right_index=True)
comp5 = pd.merge(comp4, leadRaceDf, left_index=True, right_index=True)
comp6 = pd.merge(comp5, searchRaceDf, left_index=True, right_index=True)
comp7 = pd.merge(comp6, arrestRaceDf, left_index=True, right_index=True)
comp8 = pd.merge(comp7, trafficSearchRaceDf, left_index=True, right_index=True)

display(comp8)'center left',bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5))

The following shows the raw data from the New Orleans row of the demographic dataset. Below that, we will use this information to further compare the population of people in the traffic stops with the population of New Orleans.

In [407]:
blackPer = race_df.iloc[72]["Black2014-2018"]
whitePer = race_df.iloc[72]["White2014-2018"]
asianPer = race_df.iloc[72]["Asian2014-2018"]
amerPer = race_df.iloc[72]["AmerIndian2014-2018"]
hispanicPer = race_df.iloc[72]["Hispanic 2013-2017"]

Here we found out how often each action occurred relating to the populations of each race.

In [408]:
percentageLst = []
proportionLst = []
for i in df.StopResults.unique():
    theSum = 0
    for j in df[df.StopResults == i]["SubjectRace"].value_counts():
        theSum += j
    count = 0
    for k in df[df.StopResults == i]["SubjectRace"].value_counts():
        percentage = k / theSum
        if (count == 0):
            curRace = "Black"
        elif (count == 1):
            curRace = "White"
        elif (count == 2):
            curRace = "Hispanic"
        elif (count == 3):
            curRace = "Asian"
        elif (count == 5):
            curRace = "American Indian"
        if (count != 4):
        proportion = 0
        if (count == 0):
            proportion = percentage / blackPer
        elif (count == 1):
            proportion = percentage / whitePer
        elif (count == 2):
            proportion = percentage / hispanicPer
        elif (count == 3):
            proportion = percentage / asianPer
        elif (count == 5):
            proportion = percentage / amerPer
        count += 1

If the rate at which certain races are stopped is proportional to the population of the city, then the following visualizations should show a 1:1 ratio between the two numbers.

In [409]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as  plt

keys = ["Black", "White", "Hispanic", "Asian", "American Indian"]

# gathering values of percentages into list
for val in percentageLst:
    idkVals = percentageLst[0:5]
    physArrestVals = percentageLst[5:10]
    citationVals = percentageLst[10:15]
    verbalVals = percentageLst[15:20]
    noneVals =  percentageLst[20:25]
    summonsVals = percentageLst[25:30]
    leadVals = percentageLst[30:32]
# making large list to use for dataframe
bigPerLst = [idkVals, physArrestVals, citationVals, verbalVals, noneVals, summonsVals, leadVals]
# creating and displaying dataframe plus bar chart
percentDf = pd.DataFrame(bigPerLst, index = ['Unspecified', 'Physical Arrest', 'Citations', 'Verbal Warning', 'No Action', 'Summons', 'L.E.A.D.'], columns=["Black", "White", "Hispanic", "Asian", "American Indian"])
display(percentDf)"Percentage of races").legend(loc='center left',bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5))

# same as above, but for proportions
for value in proportionLst:
    idkVals2 = proportionLst[0:5]
    physArrestVals2 = proportionLst[5:10]
    citationVals2 =proportionLst[10:15]
    verbalVals2 = proportionLst[15:20]
    noneVals2 =  proportionLst[20:25]
    summonsVals2 = proportionLst[25:30]
    leadVals2 = proportionLst[30:32]

bigProLst = [idkVals2, physArrestVals2, citationVals2, verbalVals2, noneVals2, summonsVals2, leadVals2]
proDf = pd.DataFrame(bigProLst, index = ['Unspecified', 'Physical Arrest', 'Citations', 'Verbal Warning', 'No Action', 'Summons', 'L.E.A.D.'], columns=["Black", "White", "Hispanic", "Asian", "American Indian"])
display(proDf)"Proportion of races").hlines(1, -1, 7)
Black White Hispanic Asian American Indian
Unspecified 0.708407 0.254464 0.025328 0.007572 0.000590
Physical Arrest 0.747596 0.223639 0.022621 0.003039 0.000405
Citations 0.647965 0.288825 0.038398 0.012180 0.001230
Verbal Warning 0.694106 0.263768 0.024308 0.008741 0.000723
No Action 0.754862 0.211461 0.024325 0.004557 0.000322
Summons 0.733135 0.241733 0.017416 0.003968 0.000220
L.E.A.D. 0.555556 0.444444 NaN NaN NaN
Black White Hispanic Asian American Indian
Unspecified 1.200690 0.831580 0.460515 0.261113 0.590048
Physical Arrest 1.267112 0.730846 0.411287 0.104804 0.404614
Citations 1.098246 0.943874 0.698154 0.420004 1.229626
Verbal Warning 1.176450 0.861988 0.441963 0.301425 0.722529
No Action 1.279426 0.691048 0.442275 0.157154 0.321539
Summons 1.242602 0.789976 0.316659 0.136836 0.220459
L.E.A.D. 0.941620 1.452433 NaN NaN NaN
<matplotlib.collections.LineCollection at 0x1bc89941048>

The plot above shows that, in most cases, Black people experience a greater rate of each action than any other race. One exception is in the citations category, where American Indians are disproportionately issued more (however, we should take into account that there is a very low number of American Indians in New Orleans and small samples can be misleading). The other exception is the L.E.A.D. program, where white people are disproportionately more likely to be inducted into it. Again, there are less than 100 instances of L.E.A.D. occurring in this dataset, so this could also be misleading.

Exploratory Analysis - Locations of Events

We would now like to see in which areas of New Orleans do most stops occur. To do this, we must first join our big dataframe with our zones dataframe. We followed this tutorial ( to accomplish this.

In [410]:
df['Zone'] = df['Zone'].astype(str)
df['District'] = df['District'].astype(str)
df['District'] = df['District']['Zone'])
df = df.drop(columns=['Zone'])
EventDate District OfficerAssignment StopDescription ActionsTaken SubjectRace SubjectGender StopResults SubjectType SearchOccurred SearchTypes LegalBasises
FieldInterviewID SubjectID
17415 20465.0 01/01/2010 01:11:00 AM 6E 6th District TRAFFIC VIOLATION NaN BLACK FEMALE - - - - -
17416 20466.0 01/01/2010 02:06:00 AM 5D 5th District CALL FOR SERVICE NaN BLACK MALE - - - - -
20467.0 01/01/2010 02:06:00 AM 5D 5th District CALL FOR SERVICE NaN BLACK MALE - - - - -
20468.0 01/01/2010 02:06:00 AM 5D 5th District CALL FOR SERVICE NaN BLACK MALE - - - - -
20469.0 01/01/2010 02:06:00 AM 5D 5th District CALL FOR SERVICE NaN BLACK MALE - - - - -
In [411]:
map_df = map_df.rename(columns={"Zone": "District"})
OBJECTID District Shape_Leng Shape_Area geometry
0 1765 1A 6435.352215 2.200386e+06 POLYGON ((3682345.043 537569.990, 3682348.373 ...
1 1766 1B 7670.176992 3.484915e+06 POLYGON ((3682208.123 537799.040, 3682018.873 ...
2 1767 1C 17522.916885 1.273158e+07 POLYGON ((3680229.323 541622.219, 3680673.303 ...
3 1768 1E 8727.211145 4.661121e+06 POLYGON ((3680275.423 531907.340, 3680017.413 ...
4 1769 1F 8957.458456 4.933227e+06 POLYGON ((3681361.653 533335.220, 3681360.213 ...
... ... ... ... ... ...
121 1886 8F 8353.676441 3.662661e+06 POLYGON ((3685271.893 533562.799, 3685125.083 ...
122 1887 8G 12458.171131 7.629887e+06 POLYGON ((3682359.533 525717.990, 3682379.203 ...
123 1888 8H 7493.597834 3.369128e+06 POLYGON ((3680198.773 527245.760, 3680157.913 ...
124 1889 8I 6973.240186 3.138718e+06 POLYGON ((3680794.693 529651.870, 3680724.483 ...
125 1890 8J 12636.274534 9.038593e+06 POLYGON ((3678747.373 528141.350, 3678747.373 ...

126 rows × 5 columns

After cleaning up our datasets a little, we must merge them in order to get the map plot to work.

In [412]:
mergedDf = df.set_index('District').join(map_df.set_index('District'), on='District')
EventDate OfficerAssignment StopDescription ActionsTaken SubjectRace SubjectGender StopResults SubjectType SearchOccurred SearchTypes LegalBasises OBJECTID Shape_Leng Shape_Area geometry
6E 01/01/2010 01:11:00 AM 6th District TRAFFIC VIOLATION NaN BLACK FEMALE - - - - - 1849.0 11720.824954 6.960521e+06 POLYGON ((3679962.373 526711.370, 3680278.823 ...
5D 01/01/2010 02:06:00 AM 5th District CALL FOR SERVICE NaN BLACK MALE - - - - - 1835.0 20899.090999 2.394703e+07 POLYGON ((3694161.883 536702.140, 3694343.073 ...
5D 01/01/2010 02:06:00 AM 5th District CALL FOR SERVICE NaN BLACK MALE - - - - - 1835.0 20899.090999 2.394703e+07 POLYGON ((3694161.883 536702.140, 3694343.073 ...
5D 01/01/2010 02:06:00 AM 5th District CALL FOR SERVICE NaN BLACK MALE - - - - - 1835.0 20899.090999 2.394703e+07 POLYGON ((3694161.883 536702.140, 3694343.073 ...
5D 01/01/2010 02:06:00 AM 5th District CALL FOR SERVICE NaN BLACK MALE - - - - - 1835.0 20899.090999 2.394703e+07 POLYGON ((3694161.883 536702.140, 3694343.073 ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4J 12/12/2019 11:52:00 PM 4th District TRAFFIC VIOLATION Stop Results: No action taken;Subject Type: Pa... BLACK MALE No action taken Passenger No Pat-down Incident to arrest 1830.0 17617.256432 1.641183e+07 POLYGON ((3698664.123 519291.100, 3698635.403 ...
8G 12/13/2019 12:04:00 AM Traffic TRAFFIC VIOLATION Stop Results: Citation Issued;Subject Type: Dr... WHITE MALE Citation Issued Driver No Pat-down Incident to arrest 1887.0 12458.171131 7.629887e+06 POLYGON ((3682359.533 525717.990, 3682379.203 ...
8D 12/13/2019 12:04:00 AM 8th District TRAFFIC VIOLATION Stop Results: Verbal Warning;Subject Type: Dri... BLACK MALE Verbal Warning Driver No Pat-down Incident to arrest 1884.0 7776.448782 3.564410e+06 POLYGON ((3681322.703 530848.990, 3681188.423 ...
8G 12/13/2019 12:00:00 AM Traffic TRAFFIC VIOLATION Stop Results: Citation Issued;Subject Type: Dr... WHITE FEMALE Citation Issued Driver No Pat-down Incident to arrest 1887.0 12458.171131 7.629887e+06 POLYGON ((3682359.533 525717.990, 3682379.203 ...
8G 12/13/2019 12:10:00 AM Traffic TRAFFIC VIOLATION Stop Results: Citation Issued;Subject Type: Dr... BLACK FEMALE Citation Issued Driver No Pat-down Incident to arrest 1887.0 12458.171131 7.629887e+06 POLYGON ((3682359.533 525717.990, 3682379.203 ...

593893 rows × 15 columns

The following map plot shows which stop result occurs most frequently in each district of the city. For example, we can see that in the Uptown area people mostly get citations, no actions, or verbal warnings.

In [413]:
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
variable = 'StopResults'
vmin, vmax = 120, 220
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 10))
mergedDf = GeoDataFrame(mergedDf)
mergedDf.plot(column=variable, cmap='Blues', linewidth=0.8, ax=ax, edgecolor='0.8', legend=True)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1bc7fafbb48>

Now we create a new merged dataframe that will count the total number of events - regardless of what they were - that occurred in each district. This will show us where the highest rates of police activity are in the city.

In [414]:
resultsDf = df['District'].value_counts().to_frame()
resultsDf = resultsDf.rename(columns={'District':'Total'})
merged2 = resultsDf.join(map_df.set_index('District'))
Total OBJECTID Shape_Leng Shape_Area geometry
8D 40995 1884.0 7776.448782 3.564410e+06 POLYGON ((3681322.703 530848.990, 3681188.423 ...
3U 16049 1817.0 23797.827427 2.902552e+07 POLYGON ((3688713.823 546409.739, 3688554.393 ...
8E 12158 1885.0 12896.658446 7.217424e+06 POLYGON ((3685205.013 533361.889, 3686380.693 ...
7C 12069 1864.0 22778.683376 2.476158e+07 POLYGON ((3701393.913 555778.870, 3701623.783 ...
8C 11551 1883.0 6792.167688 2.012343e+06 POLYGON ((3682051.203 530552.300, 3681792.133 ...
... ... ... ... ... ...
5V 3 NaN NaN NaN None
4R 3 NaN NaN NaN None
8Y 2 NaN NaN NaN None
8W 2 NaN NaN NaN None
5W 2 NaN NaN NaN None

200 rows × 5 columns

In [415]:
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
variable = 'Total'
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.1)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 6))
merged2 = merged2.replace(40995, 0)
merged2 = GeoDataFrame(merged2)
merged2.plot(column=variable, cmap = 'Blues', linewidth=0.8, ax=ax, edgecolor='0.8', legend=True, legend_kwds={'shrink': 0.3})
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1bc7fc1adc8>

To make this map work, we had to exclude the number we got for the French Quarter because the number of actions that were taken there were so absurdly high it made every other district look insignificant.


In conclusion, we have found that there do seem to be disproportionalities, the most obvious and general is the frequency of Black subjects in this dataset. People attribute this to the increased police prescence in Black neighborhoods. We looked at the data two different ways - one in which we compared the frequency of each stop result involvoing each race to the populations of those races in New Orleans and another in which we compared the frequency of each stop result involving each race to the occurrences of each race in the dataset. The former was the one that showed the disproportionality. Many people believe this problem can be solved by being more careful with how we deal with crime; police force may not be the most effective solution in many cases.

We feel that we have found some statistics that we have not seen before, but there has certainly plenty of other work related to this issue, and from a larger scope, the issue of the entire criminal justice system. We encourage our readers to continue their research perhaps by reading the literature and watching the documentary below: An article entitled "What the data say about police brutality and racial bias — and which reforms might work" which contains some clear and shocking statistics as well as important anecdotal information.

"Are Prisons Obsolete?" is a book by the brilliant and prolific civil rights leader, author, and scholar, Angela Davis in which she argues in favor of a transformative change in the American criminal justice system in the form of what she refers to as "decarceration."

"The Black and the Blue" is a book by former police officer Matthew Horace and his writing partner, Ron Harris, in which they reveal the crimes and injustices that Horace experienced during his time as a police officer.

"13th" is a documentary by Ava DuVernay Spencer Averick which discusses the effect of the racial discrimination and the loophole of 13th amendment which abolished slavery throughout the United States and ended involuntary servitude except as a punishment for conviction of a crime on the criminal justice system.

In [ ]: